Saturday, August 31, 2013


Earlier this week was my birthday.  I didn't want it.  No parties, no gifts, nothing. I even took my birthday down on Facebook... Or I at least tried to.

It wasn't a significant birthday, or a number you find on a card, or even the kind of birthday you lie about (like how my mom turns 40 every year for the past many years.). No mile stones were made.

I turned 33.  Which may not sound like a big deal, but when you are trying for a child and watching everyone else have their 2nd, 3rd and even 4th it feels old.  It's 2 years closer to 35 and as we all know, cause we have all seen the chart, 35 is when the fertility rates go down.  

My age feels like the beloved yodel guy game on the price is right.  he ticks up slowly and then when he hits the top (35 years) he falls off and the audience sighs and the person playing the game is crushed... 

Infertility is a heart crusher. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Woke up in the early morning feeling like "uck."  The heck?  

Oh! Maybe morning sickness?

Until husband says he's feeling "uck" too.  Hopes dashed.  

Food poisoning you sneaky bastard. 

Monday, August 19, 2013



. Hydrosalpinx?

Possibly Hydrosalpinx

Now read it like you are speaking underwater or in slow warped motion cause that's how I read it when my doctor emailed me on

Then I did the worst thing ever.  I LOOKED IT UP ON WIKIPEDIA.  Never look things up on wikipedia.  It's not exactly full of hope.

Let me save you the trouble and tears. 

Pray for us.  Emptiness and desolation is haunting. 

We wish we were pregnant. 

Friday, August 9, 2013


Lately I have been consumed with the thought of how it has officially been 3 years of trying for a kiddo with no results.  Consumed.  It's a flood of emotions of fear, frustration, anxiety, and sadness. More like a tsunami. 

Until last night as I  saw the Big Dipper.  

I forgot how small I was.  I just wanted to stop and stare at the stars and clear my head.   I couldn't remember the last time I saw the Big Dipper.

Saving my stress for another day.